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Harmona Resort & Spa Zhangjiajie, Он расположен в живописном месте, достопримечательности и достопримечательности: лесной парк, Большой Каньон стеклянного моста, пещера Хуанлундун, озеро Баошань, гора тяньчжоу и др.
отель является роскошной вилла отдыха отель, построенный за счет инвестиций ООО « Чжан цзячжуан рисовые поля», занимает 560 акров, строительная площадь более 245 акров.
номер один, более двух миллионов номеров в год, приемный потенциал 100 000 раз;общий дизайн, основанный на квинтэссенции традиционной китайской культуры - 'пять строк' золота, древесины, воды, огня, земли, для начала и основной точки.
в отеле есть парк юнхэ юньхэ, воздушный ресторан, 9 номеров около 100 квадратных метров, и национальный стиль в провинции Сянси, супер большой ресторан, изящный и изящный гидрофильный сад, Западный ресторан.
конференционные помещения, залы заседаний и банкетные залы общей площадью более 1000 кв. м, в которых размещаются VIP - приёмные комнаты для высокопоставленных гостей уровня 5а, оснащенные 30 кв. м высокочетким светодиодным экраном и высокотехнологичной аппаратурой связи, могут одновременно принимать 500 человек для проведения заседаний и оснащены современными аудиовизуальными и звуковыми средствами, такими, как мультимедийные презентации, система обслуживания заседаний и слежения.
Здесь также есть 300 парковочных мест, оборудованных коммерческим центром, холлом, футбольной ванной, спа спа спа спа, салоном красоты, шахматной доской, фитнес - центром, бильярдной, настольной теннисной комнатой, йогой, открытым теннисным кортом, постоянной температурой и открытым бассейном.
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Вопросы и ответы
  • Как далеко этот отель от Zhangjiajie Lotus Airport?

    Harmona Resort & Spa Zhangjiajie 37.2km от аэропорта.

  • Предоставляет ли Harmona Resort & Spa Zhangjiajie услугу трансфера?

    Да, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами после бронирования.

  • Какое время заезда и выезда в Harmona Resort & Spa Zhangjiajie?

    Время заезда: с 14:00, а время выезда: до 12:00 в Harmona Resort & Spa Zhangjiajie.

  • Есть ли в Harmona Resort & Spa Zhangjiajie бассейн и Занятия по фитнесу ?

    Да. Информацию о бассейне и тренажерный зал и других удобствах вы найдете на этой странице.

  • Eсть ли Harmona Resort & Spa Zhangjiajie ресторан?

    Да, вы можете поесть в отеле.

  • Harmona Resort & Spa Zhangjiajie Есть ли широкополосный доступ или Wi-Fi?

    Да, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с сотрудниками стойки регистрации отеля для уточнения деталей.

  • Harmona Resort & Spa Zhangjiajie Вы принимаете предоплату?

    Примите, пожалуйста, отправьте ваш заказ, прежде чем связаться с нами.

  • Harmona Resort & Spa Zhangjiajie Принимать оплату кредитной картой?

    Нет, отель не принимает кредитные карты.

  • Сколько стоит завтрак для Harmona Resort & Spa Zhangjiajie?

    завтрак CNY128 / чел.

  • Сколько стоит проживаниe Harmona Resort & Spa Zhangjiajie?

    Цены начинаются с CNY1188, в зависимости от типа номера и даты.

ОТЗЫВЫ больше
  • jami_fu
    The environment and service of the hotel are very good, and all the staff are very friendly. The dishes in the restaurants outside Zhangjiajie are expensive and tasteless. The Chinese restaurants in the hotel are very good and cheaper than outside. Is that the house price is too expensive during the national day
  • allend1122
    The hotel environment is quiet, and the wooden Chinese structure shows more grade! The service is the best in the five-star hotel. Especially during the National Day!
  • e00539387
    The best hotels in Zhangjiajie really didn't disappoint. I live in Shuizhai villa. Unfortunately, it's close to the western restaurant. The exhaust fan is very noisy. Choose to live next time.
  • AR TüV Rheinland
    The internal environment of the hotel is beautiful and very quiet. It is suitable for vacation and self driving. The service staff have a warm attitude.
  • u571p9
    Beautiful environment, good food, but a little remote
  • alenstone
    Very quiet environment! Give you a holiday mood. The Chinese food in the hotel is also very good and the price is reasonable
  • e00075914
    The hotel has a beautiful environment, which is suitable for the whole family to travel. Near the tourist attractions, it is convenient to travel. Qu Li, the guide of the hotel's business and Tourism Department, is particularly recommended. She is very patient and arranged reasonably to avoid the problem of congestion in the tourist peak. We have to eat crayfish at more than ten o'clock in the evening. She is very patient to buy it for us. She strongly recommends it!!
  • emma_tang
    I'm very satisfied with the environment and facilities. I'll check in for the second time and go again next time.
  • xiaoxiongtj
    The hotel is very beautiful. It is surrounded by mountains. The air is fresh and the scenery is beautiful. The hotel itself can also be used as a small scenic spot. It is a certain distance from the important scenic spots in Zhangjiajie. If you drive by yourself, it's no problem. The hotel facilities are very new and the service is good. The only drawback is the design of the toilet sewers, so there is often a bad smell, which needs special treatment from the waiters. I'd like to stay here next time.
  • lijiuli
    Very good hotel, good hardware, better service, the best thing is the environment.
  • e00058668
    My name is June 27.28.29. The service for three days is really good. The staff are very polite. Business and tourism department. Meng Xuemei's guide is very professional, dedicated and serious. Give him one. 囋. It's worth recommending to friends who travel. It's boring. Only the lobby needs to be improved. It's a big failure not to light up in the daytime. The rest is right. The green car on call is very efficient. It's a very good hotel
  • fengmei16
    Hetianju hotel has beautiful environment, first-class service, clean and comfortable. It is a good place for vacation and leisure. It will choose to stay again. It is recommended!
  • baobao0414
    Good environment. You can come back next time
  • enjimic
    It's so beautiful that you have to spend a night
  • bestow
    The hotel environment is good, the air is fresh, the room design is comfortable and in place, the bathtub on the balcony is really novel, the hotel service is good, the battery car is on call, the staff attitude is very good, and they take the initiative to say hello at the meeting, which is very comfortable. The new hotel still smells a little. It's a good choice for people who don't care.
  • e01041837
    The environment is very good, and the room service is very up to standard. Mountain Residence in summer is suitable for a family vacation. Shortcomings: the tour guide sent by the Ministry of tourism has poor experience (it seems to be called Xiaoqian, Yin), and the business is very unskilled. There is almost no explanation in the whole process. The failure of this trip to Zhangjiajie, it is suggested to rectify it to match the grade and environment of the Hotel, and live in Hetian JuShui village next time!
  • disguise1986
    I want to be a five-star, but the details are still not enough. The front desk and the business and travel department praised the guard box in front of the garage. We have so many luggage and live with our children for three days. We don't take the initiative to help call a car. In terms of food, both China, the West and South Korea have tried the general breakfast. The barbecue on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival is generally reflected in the fact that the ingredients other than local specialties are not good enough, and the ice fresh ingredients in inland areas are not good enough I can't bear it, but the dessert is completely decorated. With the content, it can be said that it's a mess. I'm not sure if I will choose this one next time when I go to Zhangjiajie. I hope it's getting better and better
  • bobby_bao
    The location of the hotel is a little remote, but the environment is elegant and the scenery is beautiful. When we went there, a couple got married. The man was a foreigner. A lot of people were on the stage. After they broke up, it was very quiet and the lighting design was very unique
  • dianang
    The hotel environment and service are very good, with the style of an international resort. The only thing to make complaints about is the Korean restaurant in the hotel. Even if there is a small amount of stuff, there is only one waiter, and it is simply too busy to order the dishes for 1.5 hours. I ordered canned drinks and didn't serve them at all. The crux of the matter is that we still charge 15% of the service fee. There is no service at all! If you think business is bad and you don't want to send more waiters, you don't need to open this restaurant at all.
  • eve989
    Very satisfied, very good
  • luyaofei
    It's not bad, but the room smells a little bit
  • satanslb
    Not bad
  • jiongnian
    The environment is so beautiful. Although it is a little remote, there are car transfer stations and round-trip scenic spots. Compared with big international chains, it is a little less professional, but more human.
  • joney168
    The environment and service were good. You don't have to go to the scenic spot to stay in the hotel. The pick-up driver service is excellent. It'll be there next time
  • aimevivian
    The environment of the hotel is very good. The natural oxygen bar is very comfortable to walk in the morning. I only stayed for two nights, but I didn't feel enough. The staff's service attitude is very good. Thank the master who picked up and saw off the bus. I stayed in three hotels during my trip to Zhangjiajie. It's very convenient to go to Tianmen Mountain and live in Dacheng landscape. Wulingyuan lives in Pullman and hetianju, Personally, I think hetianju is more comfortable. The room in huozhai is not very soundproof. At night, guests talk in the corridor. People in both rooms are awakened
  • inycui
    The environment in the hotel is great!
  • angelawong0522
    The hotel is big and ecological! The only inconvenience is traffic. It was very difficult to get out. The travel agency of the hotel took us to Huanglong cave to quote 300. The handsome man of the hotel told us that there was a bus on the roadside at 3 yuan per person. We went in the rain on a rainy day. Fortunately, we worked every 30 minutes. We were lucky and didn't wait long. Self driving tour is a good hotel. It costs 150 yuan to take a taxi from Zhangjiajie to the hotel.
  • songyongpeng
    The environment is quiet and green. Living in the water village villa, behind is the stream. It is suggested that the hotel should plan again and take good care of it. The open-air swimming pool is very beautiful. You can swim at night, so there is no picture above. Into the hotel also comes Haagen Dazs, children like it very much.
  • caojxia
    Children's paradise is awesome, but not Zhangjiajie.
  • FY0927
    It is definitely the most upscale hotel in Zhangjiajie. No matter the surrounding environment, architectural style, hardware facilities or service attitude, it is absolutely No1 in the whole Zhangjiajie area. The only western restaurant that is not enough for breakfast is slightly smaller. In short, this hotel is better than No. 1 in online reviews of hotels in scenic spots such as Jiuzhaigou, Huangshan, Wuyishan, Guilin and Xiamen. It is the best hotel I have ever stayed in. It is unforgettable and memorable.
  • floji2010
    The environment of the hotel is beautiful, just by Suoxi River; The facilities of the hotel are satisfactory. The children like the children's paradise and indoor and outdoor swimming pools very much; The service of the hotel is very good. The service personnel in the concierge, catering and recreation department are very diligent. However, as a domestic brand of five-star hotel, compared with foreign capital (I live in Starwood and Marriott hotels more), there are still two small problems. I hope you can improve: 1. Whether the swimming pool is indoor or outdoor, it is intolerable not to wear swimming caps. I hope the hotel will prohibit people who do not wear swimming caps from entering the swimming pool in the future. This is a rule, health and respect for guests! 2. The quality and price of the dishes in Chinese restaurants are very good, but the speed of serving is tragic; 3. The price of Korean restaurant is on the high side. This Korean food is a low-end cuisine. We should consider reducing the price appropriately, and there are few dishes; 4. The guest room cleaning is not timely and meticulous. This may also have something to do with their paralysis of my room after I stayed in for 7 days. I hope it can be improved. In short, the children hope to go to the highly praised hotel again!
  • B 8198
    I was very satisfied with my first stay. The feeling of nature, although there are many small insects.
  • MXIC2005
    Free upgrade to the wooden village. The external environment is good, but the sound insulation effect is too poor, especially the sound can be heard clearly upstairs and downstairs. It's not good. It's not cost-effective
  • E05574950
    No, it's hard
  • lettry
    It's an excellent resort with quiet environment and complete facilities. I want to go next time.
  • jnanlli296
    It's a very beautiful hotel with good environment and service. There are too many people in Zhangjiajie during the summer vacation. Fortunately, I chose this hotel.
  • cici90
    My daughter said that staying in this hotel reminds her of the Venice Hotel in Macao, but I think it's a bit like the club med resort in Phuket. The environment is quiet. There are battery cars in the hotel. I like the outdoor swimming pool best. It's like swimming between heaven and earth. And the hotel is not too far from Huanglong cave and the Grand Canyon. There are special buses. But it costs 50 yuan to take a taxi from Wulingyuan! And taxis don't win the meter.
  • devilcyx
    The environment is very good! A trip worth remembering!
  • successbelief
    Far traffic
  • xy1456
    The hotel is very good and the environment is very good. The food tastes good, and each table has a minimum consumption. Breakfast tastes good and fast. In short, if the budget is enough to go to Zhangjiajie, we must order this one.
  • aros56001
    It's 20 minutes' drive from Zhangjiajie scenic spot. The environment in the hotel is very good, but it's still far from Tianmen Mountain in the urban area
  • fang1999
    The hotel service was very good and the surrounding environment was great
  • e00838680
    Great resort. It's worth choosing. Parent-child travel is preferred.
  • amyliu02
  • li2758069
    Very comfortable. It's worth recommending. The environment is elegant, the service is considerate and friendly, and the pick-up service is quite good
  • jessica230
    The environment is very good. The room is very large and the facilities are very good. The luxury room in Shuizhai where I live has a large bathtub, but there is not enough hot water during the day. The price is a little expensive. There are not many kinds of breakfast, but it's still worth staying again!
  • getvip
    A great hotel. Actually let me stay in the hotel the next day without going out. Beautiful scenery, tea tasting, walking, very leisurely enjoyed the day. Especially the quality of the hotel waiter is very good. It's not a professional smile. It's a kind of warm and considerate feeling like the little brothers and sisters next door. Highly recommended in the circle of friends!
  • cindylin061573
    The hotel was built in 14 years. It is very clean and the scenery is very good. There is an outdoor swimming pool. It is very beautiful, but it is a little far from the scenic spot. The food in the hotel is very delicious
  • Franwella
    It's the best hotel in the area! Stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
  • e05283506
    It's good for vacation. The battery car is seamlessly connected, and the hotel also has a shuttle bus to Wulingyuan.
  • lg212410
    ?? Heel comfort